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women's only

self defence workshop

Empower Yourself Through Kung Fu Self Defence For Women

Every girl or woman should at least know the techniques that we will be covering in this workshop! After two successful editions, we are planning our next Women's-Only Self-Defence Workshop. This special seminar is tailored to suit girls and women with little or no background in self-defence. We will teach you at least 3 techniques that you can use in different situations.


You will learn the basics of 'IWKA's Ritual Fight Program' to stand your ground. You will also:


  • Learn how to break free from unexpected grabs

  • Learn how to avoid being taken to the ground

  • Learn how to throw solid punches and kicks


WHAT: 2.5 hours IWKA Women's Self Defence Workshop

WHEN: to be announced, watch this space 

LOCATION: 9/17 Peel Street, South Brisbane QLD, 4101


WHAT TO WEAR: comfortable exercise clothes

WHAT TO BRING: a towel and a water bottle

INSTRUCTOR: Sifu Jürgen Baha


Register your interest by calling 1300 855 330 or send an email to


did you know?

According to legend, Wing Chun Kung Fu was developed by a woman, the Buddhist nun Ng Mui and named the system after her first student Yim Wing Chun


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IVY LAM_edited.jpg

"Last Saturday I joined the women self-defence workshop. It was great!! Thanks Sifu and Sije Hong for the amazing teaching. They explained every movement in detail and made sure we did the technique correctly. Also, they taught us how to say 'NO" and "STOP", the most powerful technique to protect ourselves. For absolutely beginners it is super easy to pick up and follow. They also showed us other more advanced skills, how to train smartly and keep improving ourself. It was a really great workshop and I enjoyed it a lot. Can't wait to learn more and become stronger."


/ IVY - Remedial Massage Therapist

learn self-defence

feel calm & in control

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